Tricuspid Regurgitation (TR)
↑ risk of perioperative cardiovascular complications
Hemodynamic consequences:
Mild-moderate usually well tolerated with little consequence
Severe TR may result in RV pressure/volume overload ➝ RV dysfunction, hepatomegaly, ascites, peripheral edema, cardiorenal syndrome
Medication management
Management of any comorbid diseases (e.g. pulmonary hypertension, endocarditis, carcinoid, rheumatic heart disease)
Anesthetic Goals
Preload: normal to ↑, critical to avoid hypovolemia
Rate: normal to high to sustain forward flow
Rhythm: sinus
Contractility: RV may need inotropic support if RV failure
Afterload: maintain
PVR: avoid any ↑ (avoid high airway pressures, hypercarbia, hypoxemia, hypothermia, acidosis)