Prone Position
Effects on respiratory
↑ FRC & PaO2
Chest wall & lung compliance unchanged
Effects on CVS
↓ stroke volume —> ↓MAP —> reflex tachycardia
↑ pulse pressure (PPV) & stroke volume variation
>14% PPV likely responds to fluid challenge
Effects of cerebral blow flow (CBF)
possible ↓ CBF from partial occlusion of carotid & vertebral arteries, spinal vessels and from compression of venous drainage
Potential complications
Direct pressure injuries:
skin necrosis, tracheal, breasts, genitals, pinna
Indirect pressure injuries:
macroglossia & oropharyngeal swelling, mediastinum, liver/pancreas, vessel occlusion
Post-operative visual loss
Central retinal artery occlusion —> direct pressure on the eye
Ischemic optic neuropathy —> no pressure on the eye
Risk factors: ↑ duration, ↑ blood loss, diabetes, HTN, male, atherosclerosis
Prevention: avoid direct compression of the globe
Peripheral nerve injuries
Any peripheral nerve is at risk —> often caused by poor positioning
Does not usually present in PACU but 90% appear within 7 days
1/2 patients make full recovery at 1 year
Risk factors: male, ↑ hospital stay, ↑BMI, ↓BMI, diabetes, advanced age
If possible, place arms at side
If arms are abducted they should be < 90° at elbow or shoulder
Avoid direct pressure in axilla
Pad the elbows
Prone accidental extubation
If possible: immediately call for bed in the room, roll supine and reintubate
Consider LMA for airway rescue
Can use fibreoptic scope to intubate through LMA
Consider use of fibreoptic scope for reintubation
only feasible if scope is near by and face is easily accesible
Prone cardiac arrest
Chest compressions can be performed:
with hands over both scapula or;
over the thoracic spine or;
open cardiac compressions if doing thoracotomy
Defibrillation can be done with pads:
R axilla & cardiac apex
For high risk patients, consider placing defib pads before turning prone
Gloved person to support head/neck to prevent C/S injury during shock
Six staff members are usually needed to position a patient to prone
Unstable C/S may need more staff members for log-rolling
Prior to positioning:
disconnect monitoring, infusions and breathing circuit
note the supine airway pressures to later r/o bronchospasm/endobronchial intubation
ensure endotrachial tube is securely fashioned / tied
Bed should not leave the room until correct ETT position / ventilation has been confirmed
Birte Feix, PhD MB BChir FRCA, Jane Sturgess, MBBS MRCP FRCA, Anaesthesia in the prone position, Continuing Education in Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain, Volume 14, Issue 6, December 2014, Pages 291–297,