Pacemakers & ICDs
Indications for the device:
Pacemaker: SA node disease, AV block, CRTD, MI, HOCM, dilated cardiomyopathy
AICD: VT, VF, cardiomyopathy with EF<35%
Determine dependency & history of use
Strategies to minimize risk & prepare for potential PM/AICD interference & failure:
Strategies to minimize EMI (electromagnetic interference):
Bipolar cautery
Short bursts of cautery (<5sec), distance, “cut” better than “coag” or “blend"
Have magnet available
Device interrogation pre & post op:
Reprogram to asynchronous (pacemaker) or disable anti-tachycardia therapy (ICD)
Alternate pacing/defibrillation strategies:
Sympathomimetics (epinephrine, dopamine, isoproterenol)
Transvenous/transcutaneous pacing
External defibrillator device
Co-existing Disease:
Associated CAD, cardiomyopathy with low EF
Hypertension, renal failure, diabetes
Perioperative medication management
Optimization of underlying cardiac status
Knowledge of device settings & response to magnet
Anticipate & prevent failure or interference with appropriate backups
Avoid inappropriate inhibition (asystole) or triggering of device (shocks) by EMI
Prevent damage to device
Causes of Intra-operative Pacemaker Failure
Generator failure (e.g. battery, malfunction)
Lead failure (e.g. dislodgement)
Failure to capture
Acid-base imbalance
Electrolyte abnormality
Antiarrhytmics (overdose or withdrawal)
Pacemaker Insertion Complications
Arterial puncture
Venous air embolism
Cardiac perforation/tamponade