Organ Retrieval
DBD: Donation after Brain Death:
At least 2 physicians NOT involved in organ procurement must declare brain death in accordance with the American Academy of Neurology guidelines; the anesthesiologist is NOT involved in this process
DCD: Donation after Cardiac Death:
A DCD donor does not meet the strict criteria for brain death but has suffered a severe non-recoverable brain insult & the family has decided to withdraw life support
Upon withdrawal of life support, the DCD donor’s death is declared based on cardiopulmonary criteria
After death is declared, 5 minutes must pass before organ procurement begins
Considerations for DBD
Confirm the diagnosis of brain death & confirm wishes of patient & family:
Declared by 2 physicians not involved with transplant
Minimum clinical criteria for brain death met (see guidelines)
Physiologic consequences of brain death:
Hemodynamic instability (myocardial dysfunction, vasomotor tone, hypovolemia)
Pulmonary dysfunction with ARDS & hypoxemia (neurogenic pulmonary edema, VAP, CHF, etc)
Neuroendocrine dysfunction
Diabetes insipidus (70%), hypernatremia, hypokalemia
Coagulopathy/DIC (brain release of thromboplastin)
Poikilothermia secondary to hypothalamic dysfunction
Etiology of brain death & secondary injuries
Trauma (potential for multi-organ involvement, pulmonary/cardiac contusions)
Goals for DBD
Ensure adequate intravascular volume
Use vasopressors to maintain adequate organ perfusion
Vasopressin as 1st line agent as it treats BP & diabetes insipidus (dose = 0.01-0.04 IU/min)
Norepinehrine & dopamine also reasonable agents
Avoid high doses of vasopressors
Hemodynamic goals are SBP >100 mmHg, MAP >70 mmHg, HR 60-120
Lung protective ventilatory strategy: TV 6-8cc/kg, PEEP 8-10, avoid fluid overload, FiO2 <40% for lung retrieval
Thyroid replacement: tetraiodothyronine 20 mcg IV bolus, then 10mcg/hr infusion
Vasopressin 1 U IV bolues, then 0.01-0.04 U/hr infusion
Methylprednisolone 15mg/kg IV q24h
Keep serum glucose <8 mMol/L
MSK: paralytics should be given during procurement to optimize surgical conditions & stop somatic response to surgical stimulus mediated by spinal cord reflexes
Keep Hgb ~100
Platelets & FFP if clinical bleeding, do NOT simply correct abnormal coagulation tests