Myasthenia Gravis
Autoimmune disorder characterized by weakness & fatigability of skeletal muscles
Weakness results from an antibody-mediated immunological attack directed at acetylcholine receptors (or receptor-associated proteins) in the postsynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction
Bulbar/skeletal muscle weakness resulting in ↑ risk of:
Perioperative respiratory failure
Potential systemic complications:
Thymoma & possible anterior mediastinal mass
Myocarditis causing cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, heart block
Altered response to NMB (neuromuscular blocking) medications:
Very sensitive to NdMR (nondepolarizing muscle relaxants): avoid or use 1/10 normal dose with continuous monitoring
Resistant to succinylcholine (ED95 2.6X normal)
Treatment: steroids, immunosuppressants, anticholinesterases
Risk of perioperative myasthenic or cholinergic crises
Minimize risk of aspiration (prophylaxis, RSI)
Minimize risk of perioperative respiratory failure (judicious NMBs & opioids) & anticipate need for post-op ventilation
Minimize risk of myasthenic or cholinergic crisis
Optimize neuromuscular function
RSI vs altered response to neuromuscular blockers
RSI vs cardiac involvement
RSI vs anterior mediastinal mass
Magnesium for pre-eclampsia in pregnancy vs contraindicated due to muscle weakness
Pregnancy Considerations
1/3 improve, 1/3 stay the same, 1/3 get worse
Exacerbations usually in 1st trimester with improvement in 2nd & 3rd
~ 30% experience relapse postpartum
↑ abortion, preterm labor, maternal morbidity & mortality
Cholinesterase inhibitors: minimal placental transfer but have uterotonic effects
Monitor for fatigue/weakness during labour (consider measuring vital capacity)
Magnesium is relatively contraindicated due to muscle weakness
Generally, neuraxial anaesthesia preferred (for labour & vaginal or cesarian delivery) unless severe bulbar or respiratory involvement, then consider general anesthetic for cesarian delivery:
Ester local anaesthetics may have prolonged half-life in patients taking cholinesterase inhibitors → increased risk of toxicity, use amide local anesthetics
In patients with moderate respiratory compromise, the use of BiPAP may improve the safety of neuraxial anesthesia
Be prepared for transfer to ICU for postpartum ventilation if severe disease
Neonatal myasthenia in 16% due to transfer of maternal IgG antibodies across the placenta, resolves in 3 to 4 weeks
Weakness in PACU
Attend to patient: rule out airway obstruction, life-threatening hypoventilation, hypoxemia, hypercarbia, or anything requiring immediate airway management & PPV
? aspiration, sepsis, surgical complication
? myasthenic crisis (weakness improves with tensilon test)
? cholinergic crisis (salivation, lacrimation, urination, diarrhea, GI symptoms, emesis, bradycardia, bronchoconstriction, bronchorrhea)
Review medications given in OR, PACU
Send ABG, electrolytes
Myasthenic Crisis vs Cholinergic Crisis
Myasthenic Crisis:
Weakness exacerbated by infections, electrolyte abnormalities, pregnancy, surgery, emotional stress, drugs (aminoglycosides), or interruption of immunosuppressants
Improvement with edrophonium (tensilon test):
Tensilon test: 1.5 mg increments of edrophonium to 10 mg total (should get better in about 2 minutes)
Consider elective intubation if vital capacity < 20cc/kg or maximum inspiratory force worse than -30 cmH2O
Consider PO or IV dose of pyridostigmine:
PO: 30-120 mg/day, onset 15-30 min, peak 2 hrs, duration 4 hrs
IV dose is 1/30 of PO dose
Alternative treatment is neostigmine 0.5-2.5 mg IV/SC q1-3 hours titrated to response (max = 10mg/24hours)
Neurology consult for management (plex, IVIG, steroids)
Cholinergic Crisis:
Due to excessive cholinesterase inhibitors
Symptoms of acetylcholine excess (SLUDGE BBB): salivation, lacrimation, urination, diarrhea, GI symptoms, emesis, bradycardia, bronchorrhea, bronchospasm
Distinguish by giving edrophonium (tensilon test) which improves symptoms if myasthenic crisis & worsens symptoms if cholinergic crisis
Treatment includes endotracheal intubation, atropine & cessation of cholinesterase inhibitors until the crisis is over