Multiple Sclerosis
Heterogenous disorder with variable clinical & pathologic features
Inflammation, demyelination & denervation are the major pathologic mechanisms that cause the clinical manifestations
Cause unknown, most widely accepted theory is of an inflammatory immune-mediated disorder
Multisystem effects of demyelination:
Aspiration risk (bulbar dysfunction)
Respiratory failure/insufficiency (central hypoventilation & neuromuscular weakness)
Autonomic dysfunction with possible hemodynamic instability
Altered response to NMBs (neuromuscular blocking drugs):
Succinylcholine contraindicated due to hyperkalemia risk (denervation, misuse myopathy)
Sensitive to NdMRs (nondepolarizing muscle relaxants), but can also be resistant
Potential perioperative exacerbation of disease:
Neuraxial technique (spinal > epidural) but very controversial & some sources suggest regional/neuraxial acceptable
Immunosuppressive medications (steroids, interferon, methotrexate)
Minimize aspiration risk (consider prophylaxis, RSI)
Maximize respiratory function (avoid paralysis, full NMB reversal, secretions, pain management)
Maintain hemodynamic stability
Prevent postoperative exacerbations by avoiding triggers (hyperthermia, stress, +/- neuraxial)
Inform patient of potential perioperative aggravation of symptoms
Neuraxial technique vs. disease exacerbation:
Spinal traditionally considered contraindicated, but controversial
Low dose epidural most likely safe, have discussion with patient
Peripheral nerve block is safe, as those nerves are not involved
RSI vs. hemodynamic stability
RSI vs. avoid succinylcholine
Pregnancy Considerations
Neuraxial (both epidural/spinal) NOT contraindicated
Discuss risk with patient that there may be post-operative/post-delivery relapse, regardless of anesthetic technique