Malignant Hyperthermia (MH)
Signs (early)
↑ EtCO2
Mixed acidosis
Masseter spasm/trismus
Sudden cardiac arrest due to hyperkalemia
Signs (may be later)
Muscle rigidity
Cardiac arrest
Differential Diagnosis
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: similar presentation to MH but associated with use of antipsychotic neuroleptic medications (also treated with dantrolene)
Thyroid storm: fever, tachycardia, altered mental status
Anaphylaxis: cardiovascular collapse without hypermetabolic features
Pheochromocytoma: significant hypertension
Drug toxicity: consider clinical context, screen urine/plasma
Alert surgeon & call for help
Stop anesthetic triggers (volatiles & succinylcholine), ↑ fresh gas flow to 10L/min; do not change machine or circuit
If available, insert activated charcoal filters into the inspiratory & expiratory limbs of the breathing circuit
↑ to 100% FiO2 & ↑ minute ventilation
Halt surgery; if emergent, continue with non-triggering anesthetic
Call MH hotline:
MHAUS (Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States)
1 800 644 9737 (within USA); 00 1 209 417 3722 (outside USA)
Assign several people to prepare dantrolene 2.5 mg/kg IV bolus:
Dilute each 20 mg dantrolene vial in 60 mL preservative-free sterile water
For 70 kg person, give 175 mg (prepare 9 vials of 20 mg dantrolene)
Rapidly administer dantrolene & continue giving until patient stable
May need > 10 mg/kg
Cool patient: IV fluids, ice packs, gastric / peritoneal lavage
Treat arrhythmias:
Usually secondary to hyperkalemia
Treat in standard fashion, however avoid calcium channel blockers
Treat metabolic acidosis:
Sodium bicarbonate 1 to 2mEq/kg PRN for base excess greater than -8
Treat hyperkalemia:
Calcium chloride 10mg/kg (max dose 2g) or calcium gluconate 30mg/kg (max 3g)
D50 1 amp IV (25g dextrose) + regular insulin 10 units IV → monitor glucose
Sodium bicarbonate 1 amp
Furosemide 0.5-1mg/kg once
For refractory hyperkalemia, consider beta-agonist, kayexalate, dialysis, or ECMO if in cardiac arrest
Monitor temperature, electrolytes, arterial/venous blood gases, creatine kinase, urine output, coagulation studies, lactic acid
Place foley catheter, monitor urine output
When stable, transfer to post anesthesia care unit or intensive care unit for at least 24 hours
Monitor for recurrence & continue dantrolene 1 mg/kg q 4-6 hours x 24 to 48 hours
Refer for genetic counseling/in-vitro muscle contracture testing