Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
Unprotected airway & remote location
Significant physiological changes:
CNS: ↑ cerebral blood flow & O2 consumption, ↑ICP
Initial phase (parasympathetic): bradycardia, hypotension
Later phase (sympathetic): tachycardia, dysrhythmia, HTN, ↑ systemic & myocardial O2 consumption
↑ IOP, ↑ intragastric pressure
Transient apnea/hypoventilation
Absolute: Pheochromocytoma, MI <3 months, Recent CVA <1 month
Relative: ↑ICP, Severe cardiac disease (conduction defects, poorly controlled CHF/IHD), Aortic & cerebral aneurysms, High-risk pregnancy
Co-morbid disease in patients with mental illness; often elderly
Use of concurrent medications (TCAs, MAOIs, etc)
Need for brief motor relaxation to prevent physical harm to patient
Prevention of physical injury
Control of hemodynamic changes
Rapid recovery
Minimal interference with seizure activity:
If available, methohexital superior to propofol
If propofol interfering with seizure activity: consider reducing dose, adding remifentanil or etomidate
“Full stomach”: use NDMR to intubate & reverse
Hx pseudocholinesterase deficiency/MH: use NDMR & reverse
Pregnancy Considerations
NOT contraindicated
Obtain obstetrical consultation & plan for fetal monitoring
Aspiration prophylaxis & consider intubation if >20 weeks GA
Resources readily accessible in event of neonatal or obstetrical emergency