Corneal Abrasions
Definition: Injury to the epithelial layer of the cornea (4-6 cell layers thick); the outermost layer of the globe of the eye
Cornea is avascular and very densely innervated
Most common ocular complication in surgery (0.01-0.1% incidence)
Signs/symptoms: pain, tearing, blurry vision, photophobia
Risk factors:
General anesthesia
Hx of dry eyes
Advanced age
Proptosis or exorbitism
Hx of corneal trauma
Longer procedures >60 mins
Pre-op anemia
Prone, lateral or Trendelenburg position
Procedures near head/neck
Intra-op hypotension
Potential Sources (true cause is often unknown):
After induction:
laryngoscope, face mask, watch, ID badge
Before incision:
surgical prep, gauze/sponges, surgical drapes
During procedure:
instruments, chemical solutions, heat sources, globe pressure, eye shields
O2 mask, patient fingers
Ophthalmology consult for slit lamp exam to rule out more serious injury (i.e. penetrating injury)
Corneal abrasion dx confirmed with fluorescein exam of the ocular surface under blue light
Staff education about eye care
Secure eye lids in closed position after induction
Use Tegaderm/OpSite > tape in high risk patients
Use of preservative-free ocular lubricants
Corneas heal on their own without scar formation within 72 hrs
Goal is to minimize pain & prevent infection
Pain typically improves within 24-48 hrs
If not improving, need to rule out infection / missed dx
Pain management:
Preservative-free 0.5% methylcellulose lubricant drops PRN
Topical anesthetics (e.g. 1% tetracaine HCl)
Persistent pain >24-48 hrs should warrant ophthalmology
Infection prevention:
topical antibiotics x 2-3 days (e.g. Erythromycin 0.5% ointment)
eye patches
topical NSAIDs
topical steroids
Malafa MM, Coleman JE, Bowman RW, Rohrich RJ. Perioperative Corneal Abrasion: Updated Guidelines for Prevention and Management. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 May;137(5):790e-798e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000002108. PMID: 27119941.