Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COPD)
High risk of perioperative pulmonary complications including respiratory failure
Physiological changes:
Mechanical: bronchospasm, mucous plugging, obstructive physiology, bullous disease, pneumothorax, pulmonary tamponade, chronic hypoxemia/hypercarbia
Cardiovascular: pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale
Etiology & associated co-morbid disease:
Smoking, coronary artery disease, hypertension, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis
↑ sensitivity to respiratory depressant effects of anesthetic agents
Medications including recent steroid use
Goals & Conflicts
Optimization prior to elective procedures:
Treat bronchospasm, atelectasis, infection, pulmonary edema
Risk stratify, assess for cor pulmonale
Intraoperative goals of care:
Regional/neuraxial anesthesia preferred to GA
Multimodal analgesia, limit sedative analgesics
Lung protective ventilation balanced with obstructive lung ventilation strategies:
Prevent dynamic hyperinflation & barotrauma:
Long I:E, low peak pressure, low tidal volume, slow rate, permissive hypercapnea
Maintain normothermia, normal metabolics
Postoperative disposition including need for PPV & ICU
Stress dose steroids if indicated
COPD Severity Based on Airflow Obstruction