Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide (CO) is odorless, tasteless, & colorless
formed from hydrocarbon combustion
volatile anesthetics can produce CO when used w/ CO2 absorbents
CO binds to Hb w/ much greater affinity than O2 → forms carboxyhemoglobin (COHb)
impairs O2 transport/delivery w/ leftward shift of OxyHb dissociation curve & utilization
can precipitate inflammatory cascade w/ delayed neuro effects
Symptoms: headache, malaise, nausea, CP, SOB, dizziness, confusion, seizures, LOC; may see "cherry red" lips/skin
standard SpO2 doesn't identify CO poisoning
COHb levels measured by co-oximetry on ABG
Levels >5% in non-smokers or >10-15% in smokers consistent w/ CO poisoning
Levels don't correlate w/ degree of poisoning
Elimination via competitive binding of Hb to O2; dependent on degree of oxygenation & MV
½ life of CO on room air: 4 hrs
½ life of CO w/ high-flow O2 via nonrebreather: 60-90 mins
½ life of CO w/ 100% hyperbaric O2: 20-30 mins
Mortality 1-3%
Life threatening emergency situation
Coexisting diseases:
Burns, smoke inhalation, cyanide toxicity
Multisystem failure:
Cardiovascular: myocardial ischemia, ventricular arrhythmias, pulmonary edema
CNS: seizures, ↓ LOC; may develop a delayed neuropsychiatric syndrome
Metabolic: profound lactic acidosis
Remove from source of CO
High-flow O2 via NRB mask until CO <5%
intubate & ventilate w/ 100% O2 if sig ↓ LOC
Consult toxicology & hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) specialist esp if severe
HBO treatment - ideally start w/in 6 hrs
CO >25-40%
CO >15-20% if pregnant
Severe metabolic acidosis (pH <7.2)
End-organ ischemia (CP, ECG changes, altered mental status, etc)
Source identification to limit risk to others (ex by fire department)
Chenoweth JA, Albertson TE, Greer MR. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Crit Care Clin. 2021 Jul;37(3):657-672. doi: 10.1016/j.ccc.2021.03.010.