Breech Presentation
↑ risk of maternal mortality, morbidity, & complications (infection, perineal trauma, hemorrhage)
↑ risk of fetal complications:
Preterm delivery
Birth trauma
Major congenital anomalies
Umbilical cord prolapse
Hyperextension of the head
Spinal cord injuries with deflexion
Arrest of after-coming head
Intrapartum asphyxia
Intrapartum fetal death
Considerations of external cephalic version if performed
Recommended mode of delivery is cesarean section but vaginal delivery can be attempted with term singleton with adequate pre-planning (Canadian guidelines 2009)
Pregnancy considerations (difficult intubation, aspiration, ↓ time to desaturation, aortocaval compression, 2 patients)
Analgesia for labor:
Early epidural if possible
The patient MUST NOT PUSH IN 1st stage of labor → might push a lower extremity through her partially dilated cervix, which may result in fetal head entrapment
Anesthesia for vaginal breech delivery:
Delivery preferred in the OR should emergency cesarean be required → always be ready to convert to GA!
Epidural strongly recommended
Very high risk including:
Umbilical cord compression
Fetal head entrapment
Anesthesia for cesarean delivery:
Neuraxial or GA
Possible need for uterine relaxation, have nitroglycerin available
May require larger incision or a vertical incision
Fetal head entrapment:
Nitroglycerin IV 100-400mcg OR nitroglycerin SL 400-800mcg
Likely need STAT GA: RSI (propofol/succinylcholine) & start 2-3 MAC of volatile to relax uterus
Be ready to support hemodynamics, control hemorrhage