Acetaminophen Toxicity
Emergency situation, full stomach
Co-intoxications may exist
Uncooperative patient (encephalopathy, toxic ingestions, suicidality)
Multisystem effects of acute liver injury/failure (usually only > 24 hours after ingestion):
CVS: hypotension
CNS: encephalopathy, cerebral edema
GU: renal failure
GI: nausea/vomiting, acute hepatic failure
Hematology: anemia (GIB), coagulopathy
Early provision of therapy:
Oral activated charcoal < 1hr
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) according to treatment nomogram
Disposition to ICU for monitoring & supportive care
Pregnancy Considerations
Identical management with NAC nomogram (both acetaminophen & NAC cross placenta)
Multdisciplinary: obstetrics, pediatrics, NICU consultations
Risk of fetal compromise:
FHR monitoring
Consider caesarean section