Cafe au lait spots are the most characteristic finding
2 types: NF-1 (more common) & NF-2
Neurofibromas nearly always involve the skin, but they can also occur in the deeper peripheral nerves & nerve roots & in or on viscera or blood vessels innervated by the autonomic nervous system
Potential difficult airway:
Airway obstruction/distortion from laryngeal, pharyngeal, tongue, cervical tumors
Macrocephaly & macroglossia
Tumors can be very vascular
Restrictive lung disease (kyphoscoliosis ~25%)
Potential for pulmonary fibrosis from parenchymal tumours
Pulmonary hypertension/RV failure
Mediastinal neurofibroma: may present with cardiopulmonary complaints
Usually essential, secondary: RAS >> pheochromocytoma (<1%)
Dysrhythmias, idiopathic cardiomyopathy
RV outflow tract tumour
↑ ICP (5-10% have intracranial tumors, hydrocephalus) +/- contraindication to neuraxial
Seizure disorder
Cognitive deficits, learning disabilities
Peripheral neuropathy
Unpredictable response to NMB drugs:
Variable responses (sensitivity or resistance to succinylcholine, sensitivity to NDMR)
Difficult regional & epidural/spinal, may be contraindicated if spinal neurofibroma
Possible endocrine problems: pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia, pituitary tumours, hyperparathyroidism, medullary thyroid carcinoma
Neurology: optimize ICP, antiepileptics
Cardiology/endocrine: optimize antihypertensives (phenoxybenzamine) if pheochromocytoma
Consider MRI (r/o ↑ICP) if planning regional technique
Respirology: if restrictive lung disease
↑ICP vs neuraxial
Spinal neuromas vs neuraxial
↑ ICP vs difficult airway
Pregnancy Considerations
Higher maternal complications
If pelvic/abdominal neurofibromas → cesarean section necessary (dystocia, obstructed labor or respiratory embarrassment)
Higher fetal complications: preterm labor, IUGR, abortion
GA: very cautious of difficult airway & underlying hypertension
Neuraxial: must have imaging (MRI/CT) of spine before epidural/spinal